We advise local and foreign companies operating in Kazakhstan on matters of Kazakhstani corporate and civil law.
Areas of practice
drafting of constituent and other corporate documents for all types of legal entities under Kazakhstani law taking into account existing practices;
advising on the procedure of convening and holding of Board of Directors' and General Shareholders' (Participants') Meetings;
advising on state regulation of joint-stock companies and securities markets;
consulting on development and implementation of corporate procedures and documentation;
consulting and advising legal entities in reorganization, liquidation and bankruptcy proceedings.
Why us?
In provision of legal services, we bear professional responsibility to our clients relying on our extensive knowledge of Kazakhstani law and understanding challenges faced in its implementation. We strive to adhere to the highest standards of legal profession and to improve the legal environment.
Our clients value the degree of care and professionalism with which we handle the projects entrusted to us as well as the quality of legal advice our clients receive at all stages of project implementation. Independence and absence of conflict of interests in our work are of paramount importance to us.
Our legal expertise coupled with targeted approach serve best interests of our clients securing most favorable outcomes, resolution of complex issues in business transactions and efficient representation of the clients' interests in corporate and property disputes and dealings with governmental authorities.
We have built trust with our clients by means of quality advice, responsible and honest partnership, complete and impeccable rendering of services, confidentiality and high performance. Attention to the needs of each client allows us to arrive at unconventional and effective business solutions within existing legal framework.
Our team
